Tuesday 6 December 2011

Virgin said to use biofuels in aviation sooner than thought

Hello! I know this deviates slightly from the style of my previous posts, but I'd like to introduce something slightly less academic and heavy for once into my blog to give you guys a break!

The Guardian published an article last night publicizing that Branson is keen to use biofuels as aviation fuel as soon as possible. The article uses adjectival phrases containing the buzz-words 'sustainable' and 'renewable' to discribe these future fuels. 'Yey! Virgin Atlantic Airways is going green, I'm going to fly with them in the future', is most likely the expected response from consumers to this statement.

However, at least I and you, my dear reader, now know that biofuels are not all a 'way ahead', nor are they all a 'blind alley' - their environmental, as well as the socio-economic impacts (as Iwill later show) depend on the specifics of where the biofuel comes from and what process it has gone through before becoming a fuel. The origin and lifecycle of Virgin's future 'sustainable' fuels thus determines their actual sustainability and whether Branson's statement is just another marketing strategy.

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